“I could throttle him!” The young woman dragged her Border Collie into the clinic. “He just pulled my daughter onto the road. If a car had been coming she would be dead! I want one of those Halti’s that controls your dog when he is on the lead.” My veterinary nurse...
We are fast approaching fireworks season and for many dogs and cats this can be a terrifying time of year. The noise of fireworks can generate severe anxiety and distress for pets and owners. Many dogs can even progress to a point where they end up hurting themselves...
Have you seen that TV ad where the chemist compares an asthma attack to breathing through a straw? Did you try it yourself? It is really hard! Here’s another thing to try. Breathe in through your nose. Now gently pinch your nostrils together slightly. Notice how...
We all have friends and relations who are alive today because vigilance with a skin lump or screening tests picked up melanoma, cervical, prostate or other cancer at an early stage when they could be cured. Here is your opportunity to take action to benefit your pet....
Jenny Fenwick thought she was going to die when she was repeatedly attacked by a raging bull while out on a forest walk with her dog Ben. Ben had other ideas. Laying his life on the line he defended Jenny for hours. Jenny’s partner Terry Win tells the...
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