Here at Halifax, we have close relationships with all our pets.

Our mission is to enrich our community by enhancing the relationship you enjoy with your pets by helping them live happier, healthier and longer lives

Often our pet’s behaviour has more influence on our enjoyment of the relationship than any health issues our pets may face. Indeed the leading cause of death in dogs under six years old is euthanasia because of bad behaviour. So we take behaviour seriously and have a range of programs to make sure your pet starts out right. It is our job to help your pet enjoy vet visits so we can offer the best care for them over their life – this starts from the very first visit.

We put a lot of effort into early positive clinic visits – we have an endless supply of various treats, distractions and games to help build a positive impression. Throughout the clinic we use both Feliway and Adaptil – these are pheromones for cats and dogs respectively that are clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety. They make a huge difference to our patients comfort levels.

For all our cat owners we know how stressful it can be to bring your cat to the vet. We want to avoid this. Before the visit we can help with the use of Feliway. For some of our very anxious cats using medications on the day of visit can significantly reduce their stress. We can also advise you on the best way to get them into the cage, reduce the stress of travel, and relax them. The reception area has a specific cat corner which we try to keep dog free to help reduce stress as well.

We also offer house visits – for some animals this can be far less stressful (some however dislike strangers in their house even more than coming to the clinic).

All our nurses are highly trained in low stress handling – this can make a huge difference if we have to take blood or urine samples.

We love seeing pets so the more we see your pet for happy and enjoyable visits the more they will like the clinic. This means we love to see your puppy/dog as often as possible even it is just for treats and pats out the front. Not many of our cat clients walk them past as regularly!

Most importantly if you do think your pet has a behavioural problem talk to us ASAP. The sooner we can assess the problem the faster and more successful treatment can be.

Our dog behavioural classes include:

  • Puppy Preschool
  • Puppy Primary
  • Individual training sessions with our qualified Canine Behaviourist, Sandy Fitzgerald (in clinic or at home). Sandy not only offers Canine Behavioural advice and Modification programmes but also has the practical skills needed to enable her to work more closely with owners and their dogs by providing a day training service for those of you struggling to achieve the desired positive behavioural results on your own. These services are tailored to enlighten, empower, and enable owners to have a major positive influence and impart in the life of their dog and ensuing behaviour.

“Understanding your dog and knowing how to control him, develop his potential and resolve behaviour problems, emotional conflicts and frustrations are no less essential than love and respect”.

Michael W Fox

To book any of these classes or to make an appointment with Sandy, please phone the clinic.

If you have an appointment booked with Sandy please complete the following form:

Canine Behaviour Consultation Questionnaire

  • Client Information

  • Canine Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Behavioural Background

  • Serious Reactivity Section


Hear what our customers have to say

We choose to travel from Mapua to the Halifax Vet Clinic, Nelson with our pets because we find the vet team to be highly skilled and extremely professional. Their diagnostic skills are excellent, and their verbal explanations and written documentation ensure the pet owners are fully informed of the problems, subsequent treatment and aftercare.

Halifax has extremely sophisticated diagnostic equipment which enables fast, on the spot diagnosis, and hence quicker and more targeted treatment. The veterinary nurses also have a wide knowledge base and are extremely helpful, especially with phone queries.

In view of the above we are totally satisfied our loved pets will get the best care and attention possible.

Jill and Peter Smillie, Mapua

A big thank you to Josie’s extended family at Halifax Veterinary Centre. I wish to thank you all for making Josie feel special not just to me but also to yourselves as well. Your care for her over the years is something that I will always treasure and respect. She was my special friend for nine years and I feel we were all lucky to have a share in her friendship.

Wayne Greig