Thanks for the many kind words I do appreciate the cards, emails and many kind and thoughtful comments following my Outstanding Service Award from the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA). You can read the article here if you missed it. In considerable measure...
We have a winner! It was truly hard to pick a winner this year. There were many good and deserving entries.Cats across Nelson are proving they are genuine eco-warriors in the work they do in suppressing the rodent population and thus benefitting native birdlife....
Cats are fascinating to watch. But not many pet owners take cat-watching as far as Dr John Flux has. John observed his cat Peng You closely and recorded a great deal about her behaviour. In particular he observed and recorded her hunting behaviour – what she...
Marty is an unusual cat. Rescued from Dubai, he is an Arabian Mau. I love it that the Arabians call their cats Mau. Makes sense. But Marty no longer has a penis. I had to amputate it 10 days ago. Nearly three weeks before Marty had presented off his food, sore and...
The Remarkable Story of Mr KnotSmith Flack. Jean Gordon-Kirgan and Joan Flack are great cat lovers. Over the years they have visits from this wonderful character of a black cat who, neighbourhood lore has it, is a stray. He makes himself at home for part of each day...
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