by editor | Jun 14, 2024 | Wellbeing |
I am very fortunate with my pets. I have two beautiful cats who love affection when I’m home, yet are perfectly happy if I’m not. I also have many rabbits! A variety of colours and sizes. I’m not sure how many males or females but they keep multiplying…My rabbits are...
by editor | May 17, 2024 | Wellbeing |
On the 14th of June we celebrate World Blood Donor Day. Just like us, our furry friends can donate blood and save lives. Imagine coming home to find your beloved pet collapsed. You rush them to the vet to be told a blood transfusion is required to save their life. ...
by editor | Nov 15, 2023 | Wellbeing |
“There will never be an effective vaccine against feline herpesvirus (FHV) and feline calicivirus (FCV)” our virology lecturer asserted to my 4th year vet class. That was 1974. By 1976 as a fresh-faced new graduate in Waitara I was using the newly launched cat...
by editor | Oct 26, 2023 | Wellbeing |
This is a very common problem. In a survey of over 25000 owners 41% said their dogs showed mild to moderate fear when going to the vet and 14% showed extreme fear. In other studies up to 80% of dogs were reported to be fearful at the vets. This runs counter to our...
by editor | Oct 15, 2023 | Wellbeing |
Scout’s Story Scout was semi-comatose in the back of the SUV when I went out to check on him. Murray had rung earlier to say Scout was ill after eating compost some hours before. “I’ve seen many dogs ill from eating compost but never comatose”, I commented. “But...
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