Skin cancer from summer sun

Skin cancer from summer sun

We relish Nelson’s high sunshine hours but some of our pets pay a high price for their UV exposure. UV light overexposure causes a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in our pets, rather than melanoma. It is almost exclusively areas of white skin...
Barley grass awns

Barley grass awns

  We are now in the season that many Nelson pet owners dread because of a common weed – barley grass. It is common in most dog walking areas around Nelson so it is important to be vigilant over the summer and autumn period. There are six species of barley grass in New...

Nine tips for travelling with your pet

Follow these 9 tips and enjoy a more relaxing trip with your pet, free from some of the worries and hassles that can otherwise occur. Plan better. Travelling with your pet means you have less flexibility and you need to plan better. Work through the list below. Think...

Overindulgence at Christmas can be fatal

It is 10 years since Tennyson nearly killed himself through overeating wedding cake. It could just as easily have been Christmas cake. Overindulgence at Christmas is common in people and their pets. Tennyson’s story is a stark reminder of the perils.   “I’ve never...
Pygmy marmoset gets caesarean section

Pygmy marmoset gets caesarean section

    Our smallest Caesarian yet! Gemini is a pygmy marmoset, normally well under 200g but now 230g at full term. Meg Selby at Natureland zoo called me over for a visit two weeks ago when she noticed some fresh blood smeared on the edge of Gemini’s nesting box. Gemini...