If only they could talk! I have heard that hundreds of times in my career as a vet. It is frustrating when you sense there is something wrong with your pet but don’t know what it is. Most of the time it is not nearly as frustrating for us vets. We learn a lot from the...
World Antibiotic Awareness Week – 18-24 November Antibiotic resistance threatens our survival. It makes antibiotic treatment useless. It is hard to imagine a world without effective antibiotics. We rely on them for the treatment of many important diseases of humans...
Dogs live much longer these days than they used to. This gives tumours more time to develop, which is why cancer rates in dogs have increased significantly over the last decades. It is estimated that about 50% of all dogs will develop cancer at one point in their...
Halifax Veterinary Centre Hunter of the Year Cats are more important than ever as rodent exterminators in Nelson city. There is a booming population of rats and mice this autumn. Trapping on the Grampians has caught 47% rats than over the same period last year....
How would you and your pets cope in a Civil Defence emergency? Animal welfare was the focus at the civil defence regional meeting I attended last month. You’ll be pleased to know that animal welfare needs are an important part of the civil defence planning process....
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