Dental disease is the number one abnormality detected in the veterinary clinic. Far outweighing more obvious concerns such as itchy skin and ears or sore joints. Did you know up to 85% of dogs and cats have dental disease by the time they are 3 years old? If left untreated, dental disease can affect your pet’s overall health including vital organs such as the kidneys and heart.
What does a dental procedure involve?
At Halifax Vets, we are here to help you obtain and maintain a happy, healthy mouth for your pet. Depending on the stage of dental disease, this will likely require a dental procedure. During this procedure the vet checks, charts and cleans all the teeth, much like what a dental hygienist does for us. Unlike us, our pets must be anaesthetised for this procedure. This means there is less stress for your pet, it enables the vet to do a proper job and it protects the airway as a lot of water is used during the procedure.
- Dog teeth before dental procedure
- Dog teeth after dental procedure
How else can we help?
A dental procedure is not the only way we can help. Once your pet has sparkling clean teeth and fresh breath, we want it to stay that way for as long as possible! Good home care and regular oral health checks have proven to make a huge difference. This is best started with puppies or kittens, before any sign of dental disease is present, however it is never too late to start. There are a vast range of options available – we have an entire stand dedicated to oral health care in our waiting room. We work with you to tailor an individual home care plan that will work for you and your pet.
Want to know what the best option is for your pet? Book in for a FREE nurse dental check. One of our Veterinary Nurses will check your pet’s teeth as well as tailor a dental home care plan for your pet. During July 2024 Dental Awareness Month we are giving out a special take home pack with every nurse dental check.
Has the vet mentioned getting your pet’s teeth cleaned? Book in now to take advantage of our July 2024 dental month savings.
Dr Phillipa Bagnall and The Halifax Team
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