Bee and Wasp Stings in Pets
The Problem with "Spicy Sky Raisins" It's late in the season, but we're still seeing plenty of bee and wasp stings! Dogs don't understand that "spicy sky raisins" fight back—especially when eaten. Cats, being a bit more cautious, usually swat rather than bite, so they...
Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common condition we see in cats, particularly as they age. There may not be any obvious signs in the early stages, so early detection is key to managing the disease effectively and ensuring a good quality of life. Signs of...
Keeping Your Pet’s Heart Healthy
Heart Checks for Pets As part of your pet’s annual health check, the vet will always check their heart. Sometimes, we detect a murmur. Some murmurs are physiologic, meaning there is nothing to be concerned about and often related to stress. Other times there may be...
Breathe Better September: Not Just for People, But for Pets Too!
September is ‘Breathe Better September’ - typically for people, but we believe our pets deserve attention as well. Like people, dogs and cats can develop respiratory diseases. Fortunately, the most common ones we see in our patients are generally mild and often...
Phillipa’s NZVA Conference Highlights: Pet Cancer Care
Pets With Cancer I have always had a passion for providing excellent care for pets with cancer and supporting the owners of those pets. It can be daunting to get the ‘Big C’ diagnosis. Understanding what options are available and the associated costs can be a lot to...
Keeping Your Cat Relaxed at the Vet: Part Two
Earlier this month we shared some tips and tricks to help keep your cat relaxed the vet. We included a look at what we do in the waiting area and consultation room to help your furry friend relax. However, there is also a lot that happens behind the scenes in hospital...
How Can Halifax Help My Arthritic Pet?
If your pet has arthritis they will have sore joints. When we have sore joints we grumble and moan. How can Halifax help my arthritic pet? There is no cure for arthritis but virtually all pets can get incredibly significant improvement in their quality and enjoyment...
Bringing Your Cat to The Vet
Visiting The Vet There aren’t many cats (if any??) that would beg to come into a vet clinic if we were to drive or walk past with them. Some dogs – YES. Most cats – NO! However, there ARE some cats who become very settled, purr, explore and “relax” once they in the...
Meika’s Story
Meet Meika Meika is a gorgeous 9-year-old husky who first visited us in April this year. She was urinating bloody urine very frequently and her owners were understandably concerned. She was quickly diagnosed with bladder stones and her surgery was scheduled for the...
Poppy in Samoa
Poppy - The Only Dog in Samoa on a Lead! Poppy is a 3-year-old Cocker Spaniel, born in Wellington and raised in Blenheim. 8 months ago, she moved to Samoa to be with her lovely owners Robyn and Grant, who bought a business there in 2022. It took 10 months to gain...
Why Pet Dental Care Matters for Your Pet’s Health
Dental disease is the number one abnormality detected in the veterinary clinic. Far outweighing more obvious concerns such as itchy skin and ears or sore joints. Did you know up to 85% of dogs and cats have dental disease by the time they are 3 years old? If left...
Beautiful Bunnies
I am very fortunate with my pets. I have two beautiful cats who love affection when I’m home, yet are perfectly happy if I’m not. I also have many rabbits! A variety of colours and sizes. I’m not sure how many males or females but they keep multiplying…My rabbits are...