Welcome to your Halifax Vet Canine Mobility Assessment

How is your dog's mobility in general?

If you have noticed the effects of ageing on your dog's mobility, how long have you been observing changes for?

To what degree does your dog show stiffness after a 'lie down'?

How well does your dog go UP and DOWN stairs?

How well does your dog jump IN and OUT of the car?

How well does your dog walk on slippery surfaces such as tiles or linoleum?

How well does your dog get UP after lying down on slippery surfaces such as tiles or linoleum?

Who limits the extent to which your dog exercises?

At exercise, how is your dog handled?

How has your dog's happiness changed over the past 6 months?

How active is your dog?

What is the effect of cold, damp weather on your dog's mobility?

How interested is your dog in exercising?

How does your dog interact with human family members and other pets?