Continued Socialisation and Training for Older Puppies
Puppy Primary is a course specifically designed for puppies straight out of a preschool class. It is all about continuing your puppy’s learning and socialisation during their changing mental development stages. At this slightly older age as well as a knowledge of basic commands, we can start to challenge them mentally e.g. impulse control work, so they can grow into mentally well balanced and behaved dogs.
Long story short, if Preschool taught them how to walk, Puppy Primary will teach them how to run!
In this $100 4-week course, our instructor is on-hand to answer any questions you may have about the social development of your young dog.
Puppies are eligible for Puppy Primary between 12-20 weeks of age and have had at least their first vaccination. All family members are welcome.
This course is run by our qualified Canine Behaviourist, Sandy Fitzgerald. Sandy is also available to help through a range of other Canine Behavioural services.
What to bring:
- Your puppy (on a lead)
- Tempting treats and/or toys
- Poo bags
- A notebook if you would like to take notes
- A mat/blanket/bed for your puppy to relax on
Register for Puppy Primary by completing the registration form below or by phoning the clinic on 03 548 3871. Upon receiving your registration one of our team will be in contact with further information.
Puppy Primary Registration